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How I Apply to Conferences


I started jotting these down in 2020. Expect slight typos and that some submissions are missing information - I’m not a perfect notetaker. Most submissions from 2019 and earlier are missing. 😞





Speaker Bios

2024 (Current) Hi, I’m Josh! I’m an independent full time open source developer. I work on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem, most notably typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. I’m also the author of Learning TypeScript (O’Reilly), a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, and an active conference speaker. My personal projects range from static analysis to meta-languages to recreating retro games in the browser. Also cats.
2024 (Third Person) Josh Goldberg is an independent full time open source developer. He works on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem, most notably typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. Josh is also the author of Learning TypeScript (O’Reilly), a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, and an active conference speaker. His personal projects range from static analysis to meta-languages to recreating retro games in the browser. Also cats.

Speaking Credentials

2023 I've been speaking at conferences since 2019, starting with my first of three consecutive appearances at TSConf. I’ve since become a regular speaker at conferences worldwide, including talks at the CascadiaJS, LeadDev, React Summit, and Web Directions series. In 2023 I became a Microsoft MVP for my contributions to community education and outreach. You can find my full list of talks at https://joshuakgoldberg.com/speaking.
2022 I've been speaking at conferences since 2019, starting with my first of three consecutive appearances at TSConf 2019. I've since spoken at over thirty conferences including the CascadiaJS, JS Nation, React Summit, and WeAreDevelopers series. You can find my full list of talks at https://joshuakgoldberg.com/#talks.

Feedback Request

| 2023 H1 | Thanks for letting me know! Disappointing of course, but such is life. Congrats on getting through the CFP process! :)

If you have the time, is there any feedback you'd be able to send me on my submissions please? I'd love to know if there's anything I can do to make a more compelling talk proposal for next time. | | --- | --- |

Assorted Talk Ideas

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